DP Oct 2020.jpg


Born and raised in Singapore, moving out at 15, and travelling the world as a nomad, Ikigaijin.Studio is the dreamy intersection of surrealist touches with lashings of flavour from the culmination of the cultures that have influenced her the most.

Diagnosed with ADHD and on the spectrum, she works to advocate and educate - Believing in play, color, absurdity, courage, and vulnerability.

In contrast to traditional art, there will be no conventional retelling of old tales but a sentimentality and appreciation of heritage and culture into one-of-a-kind pieces that try to capture and convey the emotional nuances that set off the sparks for each piece.

Challenging trauma by channeling vulnerability and emotional experiences into art - this work is created to heal.

Her works are held in private collections in Japan, Singapore, Australia, Sweden, Ireland, and the United States.

* On the side, I also advocate heavily for Mental Health Awareness and spend a large portion of my time educating the public to eradicate the stigma of diagnosis, conversation, and treatment (especially within the Asian Community)